About Us

“Pest Proof Pros are an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”

Emily Davis

Our Vison

We aim to be the example for what pest control can be. A permanent result is possible, it should be the goal regardless of the effort.

The Team

  • Every company says it, but we have to too. We have the best team! Pest Proof Pros is a family.
  • At work we solve ever-changing complex problems and help people with their relationship with nature, off hours we hang out as friends, and frequently head out for camping, hiking, and exploration trips.
  • We’re rapidly expanding, and are constantly adding more members to the family.

Our Story

Pest Proof Pros is a division of Humane Solutions Inc. We all share a passion for innovation and wildlife, which led us to build solutions that are sustainable and humane, in solving pest issues within the community.

We put our combined work experiences together and came up with a specialized Pest Proofing Method that benefits both people and animals.

Whether you’re curious about our services or how we can help, we’re here to answer any questions.

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Sundays & Holidays: Closed

Primary Locations

Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada

Okanagan & Cariboo, BC, Canada

North Dallas, TX, USA

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